...13 days late... It's been hectic lately. Work has been super stressful. How many days til summer?
Highlights of his 20th month... Caleb is babbling all the time. I can't always tell exactly what he is saying but can figure out the gist because he'll throw in a few recognizable words and gestures to fill me in!
He was quite spoiled at Christmas this year. Ironically, his favorite part about it was sitting on the floor ripping papers. I couldn't believe how much his aunts & uncles got for him: toys, toys, toys!
We had a NYE party at our house and he loved having his cousins come over to play puzzles and throw balls with him.
Winter break was great; I loved enjoying so much time with just me & Caleb. We kept very busy playing, visiting friends and organizing the house. Caleb is a good helper.
Height: inches
Weight: 25.2 lbs
Clothes: 2T shirts;18/24 month pants; shoes 6 diapers 4
New words: Amen, love you, thank you, bubble guppies,
New Things: holding hands to pray, playing hide-and-seek, playing "ring-around-the-rosie" a noticeable increase in his interest in reading books, can point to nose, ears, eyes
first novel |
silly hair |
...to match his daddy |
new rubber duckies |
Aunt Teresa stayed late to read... |
...and read |
one of the few nights he wanted to snuggle |
checking his new kitchen |
New MegaBloks = child-sized fort |
cousin Gid playing with his new puzzle- he was really good too |
NYE chocolate pretzels! |
wants to be like Gid |
NYE party watching- "How to Train Your Dragon" |
enjoying free day at Leonhard center |
Loving his new drumsticks |
a pro at his new train table |
playing with cousin Matthew at Christmas Eve mass |
checking out the large Christmas village at Lincoln Square |
chilin with the cousins on the first day of winter break |
new tricycle-Paw Patrol! |
enjoying mommy's break decorating cookies at Amy's party |