Thursday, February 9, 2017

Two Years, 10 months

I can't believe it has been 10 months since I last blogged.  Caleb has changed so much since then!

He took to potty-training with ease.  It helped that my little guy has irregular bowel movements and when they finally came we had adequate warning from the grunting.  Every time he started his grunting, we would sit him on the potty and talk to him about a picture on the wall of a "big boy" going on the potty.  We talked it up and gave fruit snacks or chocolate for sitting on the potty and he was one thrilled little boy! He would really 'milk it' for other people too. He'd come back into the room after going potty and throw his hands up and announce, "I went potty!" Then of course, he'd smile and wait for the cheers!

Caleb has grown so much in his cognitive skills too.  He can reason and he will tell you very matter-of-fact what is on his mind.  I love his imagination.  Recently a lot of his play is targeted around trains and "ice coming" due to his recent love of the movie Polar Express.  He also pretend cooks often.  He still likes his food to be room temperature so often when he brings me food he is careful to warn me that it is hot and to "blow on it". He loves all things animals but still favors cats and dogs.  He usually is quite great with animals.  Unfortunately in September we did have to rehome Cooper.  It was one of the hardest things I've had to do as a parent and I still miss my baby puppy.  Unfortunately Caleb when he gets tired gets really wound up and he starts running around and chasing Cooper. Cooper became highly stressed with this nightly and began biting Caleb.  Unfortunately despite my best effort to keep them separated at this time it was just too much to referee.  Cooper moved on to a new home in Champaign and he is very loved there.  His new family takes amazing care of him.  He loves on his new "momma" like he did me so that makes me very grateful!

Caleb has been so imaginative.  He also likes to pretend lions are chasing us or coming and we have to keep them back with "fire."  He does a lot of fun pretend play.  Just this morning he was keeping lions back and telling them to go upstairs.  So cute.  He knows all his letters and colors. He can count to 10.  He sings the alphabet and it is starting to sound more like the alphabet.  Just the other day "LMNOP" came out clearly.  It used to go "ohohohP" and I already miss it.

He pronounces other things cute too!  He says "ah bars" for granola bars. He says "cool" for pool.  He says "mato" for play-dough, Yay-ub for Caleb.  He says "show please" when he wants to watch his favorite shows: Bubble Guppies, Super Why, and Sesame Street. His favorite movies are: Frosty the Snowman, Polar Express, The Good Dino and Charlie Brown: Happiness is a Warm Blanket.

He is wearing 3T/4T shirts and just got into 3T pants for the length but the waist is too big.

He loves food but his favorites are:

peanut butter & jelly
macaroni and cheese
nearly all fruit
cheese sticks
green beans, peas
grilled cheese

Caleb still takes two-hour naps. He switched to a new daycare in January and we just love it!  He is thriving there. He has made new friends including a "girlfriend" that has been scolded a few times for kissing on him.  My sister Teresa is one of his teachers and he just loves her.  It is working out better than I could have ever expected.

He is content in his crib still so we haven't made the transition. I imagine when that day comes he will be up with me throughout the night.  He transitioned to "no-pacis" right around Christmas time when the Myers accidentally took his paci.  It was sort of the perfect opportunity to not have it.  He didn't like it and still occasionally requests it but it was easy just to tell him that Annabelle needs it.  Speaking of Annabelle, he just loves her.  She is around and he just wants to talk to her, hold her and give her kisses.  He loves all his cousins especially Josh and Matthew.  They all play so well with him.