The other day, we discovered that Target has this amazing new fresh produce isle! We happened to have coupons that Target mailed me for all sorts of discounts on foods. This included a $2 coupon off any meat. Their sirloin was on sale and we decided that at that price, it was time to learn how to prepare it. Well, with our schedules and my lack of expertise in that area, the meat sat in the fridge for a week. Don't worry it was still a week away from it's expiration. I decided to try baking it tonight (as we have no grill). I was so thrilled because it turned out great! So, this spring I have already taught myself how to roast turkey breast in the crockpot, prepare amazing pork chops, and now prepare a tasty sirloin. I'm thrilled. I'm expanding my limited cooking knowledge.
On other notes, I just wanted to take a sec to say that I'm so grateful to have today off of work. There was no way I was emotionally ready to go back, let alone getting lesson plans ready. I will be much more ready to take on the students and staff tomorrow (I hope.) I am very much looking forward to summer! Also, I had a great time with family yesterday and we now have a great family shot to show the world! ;-)