So, I'm looking for a little shall we say- MOTIVATION for my kids at school.
Today, after refreshing their memories (so much time to forget over a weekend), I let the students loose with 20 minutes in class to complete their assignment. They choose to socialize. Today, I let it go. I recognized and praised the two students that did their work. I reminded everyone to turn in their work tomorrow first thing when they enter the room. But, I did so knowing that only two will have it done. What to do? I'm bringing in the big guns! And, thanks to Walgreens, it only cost me $3.57!!
What is it you say?? A variety of full-sized chocolate bars. Not into Snickers or Dove candy bars? Well, how about Peep's chocolate covered marshmallows? Haven't suited them yet? Well, how about Hershey's Hugs or Hershey's assortment of mini chocolate bars. Guess how they get it tomorrow???
They have to have their homework DONE (when they walk in the door!) Bet they'll think twice next time I give them class time to complete their work!! Also, they totally get to eat it in front of everyone else and are ABSOLUTELY NOT allowed to share with their slacker classmates!
I love it! I hope you do a follow up to let us know how it goes! :)