Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jury Duty

It's funny how opinions change.

On Sunday, I was asking people how to get out of jury duty and on Monday I was sitting in the orientation room thinking this is terrifying. On Monday, I was the second person selected for jury duty and asked to come back to begin trial Tuesday morning, "figures" I thought.

Tuesday I listened to all witnesses and was asked to come back.

Wednesday we were given the concluding remarks and sent off to deliberate. I was selected as foreperson. I found that title to be quite complimentary since I was nearly the youngest one there. There was a 19 year old girl just out of high school. But they gave me the job since I'm a teacher.

But, after today I no longer dread jury duty, instead I thought it was kind of cool to get to be a part of the justice system. Looking back, I'm glad I had that opportunity and I'm glad I didn't "dodge the bullet" so to speak! I can add this to my life experiences!

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