Saturday, July 18, 2015

15 months- summer loving

Summer is the best thing to happen to this teacher.  I have loved my uninterrupted-by-work schedule with Caleb.  This past month was super busy with photo sessions but I just did my last scheduled session for the summer.  I'm happy to have this extra time to bond with Caleb.  I love this boy more than words can describe but I'll try.  I love that with each grump, squeak, noise, look I (mostly) understand what he wants/needs.  Today at lunch Chris said to Caleb, "Mommy knows you better than you do."  Those words made me feel amazing.  My little introvert can be moody at times with certain people but he also has some seriously big room for love too.

We recently traveled for three days to North Carolina and it was a major blast traveling with him.  I had a lot of fears going into traveling via plane with a 14 month old but he did just fine. We just kept plenty of snacks and toys to keep him entertained.  I'm so glad I thought at the last minute to grab five mega blocks. He played with those for twenty minutes at a time.

Caleb has become much more steady on his feet and is practically running.  He still loses his balance a lot when tired. I noticed just the other day how much more confident he is on different surfaces. He has also developed a love for climbing on things and we have had to hide some chairs.  He will climb them by himself and luckily so far when he gets to the top he screeches for help down. He just discovered sand and seemed to like it.  He loves slides and pools.  He loves music of any kind.  It usually makes him clap and dance. He can sing along a bit with some songs now, "If you're Happy and You Know It", he says "hooray" and claps his hands.  I also swear he started to sing the Paw Patrol intro song the other day. He is really interested in how things work and tries to figure it out.  He still loves Cooper and tries to initiate games with him all the time. Cooper rarely is interested in games with Caleb but does come quick when Caleb is offering him food. He doesn't have many new (real) words since last month other than to say that he says, "crackers" and "up" occasionally.

He still gets up at 8-8:30, naps around 10:45-12:30; lunch play nap 4-5:30 and then up til about 9. We really messed up that schedule the last week but that seems to be sticking overall.

He loves most foods but is getting pickier than in the past.  Some foods he won't eat are meat and things that make his hands messy.  He loves holding a spoon.  We introduced the toothbrush and he tries to brush his hair and belly with it.  He definitely recognizes what a brush does just not a toothbrush.  I need to do some modeling as I usually do that after he goes to bed or before his is up.

He really enjoyed our last airplane ride.  He pointed out everything outside the window from workers to trucks to buildings to other airplanes.


Height: 33" Head 19"
Weight: 22.0 lbs
Clothes: Shirts: 18 months; Shorts 12 months; shoes: 4; diaper: 3
Teeth: 9 teeth (5 top, 4 bottom)

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