I realize this post is coming a bit late as we've been back in school for three days. However, I suppose I'll go with the motto "better late than never".
This break was so nice. I don't remember the last time that I had a chunk of time off from work where I wasn't working three jobs or out of town. I spent the first couple of days off getting up very early and organizing the house like mad. But after the holidays, (see another post coming later) I slowed things way down and got to stay up late and sleep in. I spent a couple of days entirely in my pajamas. It doesn't get better than that!
Some highlights (positive & negative) from the break:
* Fun photo shoot in Charleston
* Wedding dress shopping with my mom and sisters
* Spending time with my hubby
* Learning new recipes
* Getting things free from Kohls and Bed Bath & Beyond with coupons!
* Swimming with my hubby
* Stolen phone (bad)/Returned phone!(miracle)
* Puppy time
* time with girlfriends at my friend's play
* good times on NYE with great friends, food and games
* trying new restaurant (Destihl) and some old goodies- SunSinger
* shopping with friends
* time to rest
* Dentist (not so fun)/ Clean teeth = refreshing
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