Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Working momma... being real

So now that I'm back to work I've settled into a bit of a routine.  So I thought I'd give you an overview of what a typical day might look like.

12:00 am- nurse
3:00 am- nurse
5:30 am- nurse
6:00 shower
6:45 pump
7:10 leave for work
7:30 arrive & begin duties
7:50 tardy bell rings
10:50 pump (in a bathroom) & eat lunch
11:20 back to class
3:00 pump
3:15-5:00 work on the copious amounts of work that I never seem to be able to do throughout the day or sit through meetings
5:20 pick up my wonderful baby boy- this is my favorite part of the day by far
5:30 do dishes while Caleb snoozes in his car seat then wake and play
7:30 bedtime routine
9:00 bedtime for momma

It isn't really a glamorous life but it is my current situation.  I just thank God for the opportunity to work for our family.  Even if it isn't my desire or dream at this moment, when I think of the "big picture" it is okay.  It makes me happy to know that I can still nourish my baby while I'm separated from him. I know he is in good hands while I'm away.  I hope that our second income will prove to be lucrative to his and our future!  I try to be grateful even when I feel overly tired or overwhelmed.  The first couple of weeks back were extremely hard and emotional but I'm learning to take things day by day.  I think I even battled depression through it all.  I think I'm coming out ahead of it and can start to see some positives.  But, I know that I am very blessed and can always slow things down if it becomes too much.  I just feel thankful that I have a great network of people encouraging me along the way.  And this was my "being real" post so I apologize if it was scrambled or didn't make sense as I tried to get my thoughts out.

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