Sunday, November 4, 2012

{Week 1 Gratitude Journal} Stolen from Facebook...

... but I intend to do this a tad differently.  I've noticed the 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge starting all over my friend's Facebook statuses and I thought that I can do this via my blog and just post it to Facebook once per week.  So here is week #1's list of gratitude.

1. I'm so very thankful for my church.  I've totally fallen in love with it in the past few years.  They have challenged me to learn and have grown my faith.  We had amazing worship last night at the "Empowered to Heal" conference and it just feels great that I can be surrounded by a strong community of believers!

2. I'm very thankful for family!  Sometimes, we all get wrapped up in our very busy lives but I know how much everyone cares.  I am thankful that they all stepped up and helped out when we were in need of help with moving and that they continue to bless us today!

3. I'm thankful for our new house.  I would NEVER of dreamed that at this point in our marriage, I'd be living in such a large, beautiful house that is so environmentally friendly.  Those of you that know me well know that I am a very environmentally conscientious gal.  (Going as far as taking other people's recyclables out of the dorm trash in college to hauling paper and other recyclables home from work.)  I'm so glad our house is leaving less of a carbon footprint on the environment.  And I'm thankful that we are blessed with a house with solar paneling and geothermal systems.

4. I'm thankful for following my dreams!  I used to think it'd be the coolest thing ever if I could be a photographer!  A year ago in October, Amy told me to follow my dream.  I can't believe how much has changed in a year, now I am very happily snapping away clients pictures nearly every weekend.  Such a dream come true!

5.  I'm thankful for my health. There are few things that I need to work on like eating healthier and exercising more, but I am healthy and I give the credit for that to Jesus!

6. I'm thankful for great friends.  You know the kind.  They answer the phone every day to talk about mundane things, come from far away to visit, stop for a quick Subway trip even on a super busy night so we can see each other.  I've been extremely blessed with some amazing girlfriends in my life!

7.  I'm extremely thankful for my new job.  This is the job I've been praying to have for many years! It is not too far of a commute (although twenty minutes one way).  I have small class sizes, a manageable class schedule and I really like my students, principal, and co-workers.  It took several not-so-great jobs (with occasional tears & weekend dread) to get where I am but I absolutely love it now!

And there you have it, week 1 list of gratitude from me.  I'll try to update you again in one more week! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Love this! So glad to see photography taking off for you, I remember our convo at billy barrooz clearly and know it wasn't just me speaking encouragement but God giving me words for you in that moment! :)
