Sunday, November 11, 2012

{Week 2 Gratitude Journal}

1. I'm extremely grateful for my hubby- he works hard, takes good care of me, has a sweet, tender heart, is funny, snuggles me, he is handy around the house, has a cute butt, is committed, values me, pursues a relationship with God, makes me laugh, makes me smile, makes me happy, plays with Cooper; loves our dog, saves money, makes a budget, gives me constructive criticism (possibly the only person I can take this very well from), serves others, helps around the house (occasionally), and much more!

2. I'm grateful for Cooper!  He is such a fun-loving sweet dog. Often, I tease that I should have named him Shadow because he is ALWAYS at my side.  He is definitely a momma's boy.  He is a loyal dog that will do just about anything I ask of him (sit, drop it, OFF, lay down, GET IT, go get a toy).  He loves to be pet, snuggle, and to play!  He doesn't make messes in the house (except when finding that the trash can is at his level and mom/dad left the door open).  He is always making me laugh and smile.  He is the one I spend the most time with.  He is a really great companion!

3. I'm grateful for a budget.  Chris and I are not normally big spenders but right now we have two mortgages and that means we have to be smart with money.  I actually find it really exhilarating that I can plan out what I am going to spend in advance and try to stick with it!

4. Camera- My camera bag has become like a second purse to me.  It goes everywhere frequently.  Now if I could just get a second DSLR...

5. Dinner Out- this week alone I got to go out three times and I just love it when I don't have to prepare my own food.  I try to pack my own lunches and thus usually I make every meal I eat.  So, when I go out, I love that I didn't have to think about preparing the meal.  ... if only I had my mother's cooking again! ;-)

6. Elli- she is such a sweet baby girl and her parents just love her! She is a nice excuse for me to get to visit my best friend more!  I just love that little bitty baby smells!
Sleeping one-month-old Elli

7. Seasons- It is so great getting to see the leaves change colors and all my favorite things about fall come alive: bonfires, hay rides, hot chocolate, etc.

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