Friday, May 16, 2014

One Month

Caleb is one month and doing great!

Mommy has finally reached a point where she feels like she has learned enough about Caleb to know what his cries mean (at times).  Caleb started smiling and talking!!  He is such a sweet little flirt!

Caleb weighs right around 9 lbs now.  He is nursing better these days.  (Less coughing)  He is so alert and active for around 40 minutes in the morning.  He naps well throughout the day and night. Thank goodness for the Fisher Price Rock & Play Sleeper!  He sleeps in that in his nursery and lets mom get about two hours at a time!  He is taking to a bottle (breast milk) well too so that mommy can get out for a couple of minutes at a time.

Mom and Dad Stats:

My incision is healing nicely and I'm getting some muscle tone back in my stomach (read I can get in and out of bed much more easily these days). I've lost 19 of the 32 pounds I gained.  I am loving the mom gig but it is certainly way harder than I expected.  I am so proud of my husband for truly diving completely into this father role.  Chris continues to amaze and impress me daily with his willingness to step in and his natural paternal instincts.

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