Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Four Month Well Check

Caleb went to his four month check up Monday.  He weighed in at 15 lbs 1 oz.  He was at the 36th percentile for weight.  His length was 25 inches (a little different from my measurement a week earlier) which is at 34th percentile.  His head circumference is 16.5 which is 52 percentile. Caleb has been so much fun this past month!  I really love this little boy more than words can tell.  I have enjoyed watching him learn to roll to his back and stick out his tongue.  He is such a talker and drooler these days!  We always stick a bib on him to save shirts!  We started daycare and couldn't be happier with it!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Brotherly love

These two are acknowledging each other more these days.  I thought it was pretty cute how Cooper got Caleb's attention!!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

First week of daycare

This was Caleb's first ever week of daycare.  He seemed to really like J and her 20 month son H.  Each day when I picked him up, he was all smiles & laughs for miss J.  He was fed and happy.  He would be so tired from his play that he'd fall asleep on the car ride home and I let him sleep in his car seat for 20 minutes so I could wash bottles and eat a quick sandwich.  He has gone to bed extremely easily at night too so I know they play hard!  He learned a new trick this week too, sticking out his tongue!

Here are a few pictures I received from J this week.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Saying goodbye is hard to do

For the past two years I have had the pleasure of working for Heritage school district.  I really enjoyed my experience there and my students.  This year I had an opportunity to work closer to home and even bring in more money for the family so I took it.  I've cried every day though because I knew I was trading in a lot of things and I didn't even get to say goodbye to my students or co-workers.  I was hired exactly one week before school started so there wasn't really much time to prepare.  They started me on new teacher orientation Wed-Friday 8-3:30 so that also abbreviated my summer and my last week to really bond with my baby boy.  I spent Friday evening in my classroom with Chris and my parents cleaning it out.  I cried, I cried a lot!  Here is what my room looks like all packed up in a truck.  This isn't even including what was in my car or mom's van.  And the other pictures are what my kitchen now looks like too.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Birthday Splash

A huge thanks goes out to Stephanie Painter for giving us her summer punch card to use for a swim party!  Unfortunately, Stephanie didn't even get to enjoy it because she was at home sick.  But, a good time was had by all!  Chris and I wanted a unique way to celebrate our birthdays! What better way than to go swimming at the park!  The water temperature was great and we all enjoyed ourselves!  Elli and Josh especially got into the cupcakes.  Everyone had plenty to do!  Even playing in sand!!  It was a great first and probably last time swimming this summer.  Sheesh summer, where did you go?

Birthday surprise

My mom and sister decorated the porch to ring in my birthday!  The funny part was that when Cooper saw this representation of me he barked at it and wagged his tail!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Just hanging!

Bringing on a new adventure...

Today is the last day of my twenties.  I find myself strangely sentimental today. I just think of how every one of my goals I set for myself have come to fruition.  I am blessed beyond measure!

If you would have told me when I was 10 or heck even 20 that I'd be married to my dream man, doing jobs I love (teaching and photography), living in a nice home, driving cars that are paid off and had a fantastic baby boy- I would have never believed it.  I don't feel like 30 is old anymore so clearly that tells you my age! ;-) (I so clearly recall in the early 20s when 30 was old.) I look forward to what is to come and I think I better set some big goals for myself so that they can also come true!  I am thankful for the loving supportive family that God blessed me with by birth and for the amazing family that continues to bless me daily that I acquired through marriage.  I am thankful for my health.  I am thankful for my dog.  I am thankful for my precious son! I am oh so thankful!


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Family photo

I'm not sure when we took this one (sometime in July) but I just love it. It's a keeper!

Cloth diapering...

So I posted about this on FB but I thought I'd take a second to blog about our cloth diapering adventure.

I started cloth diapers (CDs) on July 7th because I wanted to wait until we'd made a good dent in all the disposable diapers that we had, but still have plenty if we decided to give up on cloth.  Turns out, I was surprised to find that I like cloth more than I would've expected.  With the installation of a diaper sprayer, even cleaning dirty ones aren't bad.  After 2-3 weeks of use, we bought three more than what were given at our baby shower and I bought a drying rack so I guess I'm all in.  (I'll tell you a secret, the shelf life is much nicer because of air drying. The newer ones are staying like new.  The electric dryer was really taking a toll on the diapers in just a couple of weeks.)

I really like the Bum Genius brand and would be glad to answer any questions.  I also have one TotsBots Easy Fit and I like it too but I find the BumGenius easier to get more than one use.  The microfiber inserts in BumGenius absorb all the liquid and keeps his bottom dry- better than disposable!  And, since the diaper cover stays dry, I can just change the insert and reuse it which saves on laundry too!  The only thing I don't like is that I can't use my A&D ointment because of the oil and Caleb never had diaper rash until recently. I feel like A&D was doing a great job of preventing it.  We started using California Baby diaper rash ointment (cloth diaper friendly) and I think he is allergic to an ingredient because his rash got worse. We are back to regular disposable for a day or two to get the rash to go away.  We will just plan to use disposables at night to continue apply ointment once per day!

Look how cute these diapers can be!!

Roll over, roll over

This week, Caleb learned to roll over and he is so proud of himself!  I just love watching my little man grow so!

Video for daddy

All summer I've wished we had a rocking chair to enjoy our front porch.  Well, they went on sale at Menards so we got them!  I took this video to remember how wonderful these last moments of summer are!

(Our neighbors drove by at the end so I waved)