Friday, November 7, 2014

Caleb is Six Months old!

This momma is truly blessed to have such a wonderful baby boy!

He is growing so quickly these days.  This past month, he learned to sit up AND got a tooth!  He has been so fun and easy-going!!

I just love his giggles, comforting pats, his smiles, and sweet baby smells!  I can't believe he is already so big. Wasn't he just born the other day?!


He loves nursing still and takes bottles great!  He is happy with 4 oz every 3 hours and I'm sure he gets more than that when he nurses because I pump more. He still gets up every 3-5 hours at night to nurse which translates to 1-3 times per night for me.  He started eating solids.  I was eating peas with our dinner one night and he seemed interested. I mushed them a bit and he loved it.  He was confused about what to do the first night but the rest was history!


He is such a great sleeper!! He goes back to sleep immediately after nursing.  He can sleep without a swaddle and he sleeps in his crib. (Sometimes he likes to roll to his left side, lol.)   He takes inconsistent naps throughout the day but generally you can count on him sleeping from 3-5 pm and falling asleep in his carseat on the way back home and snoozing for about 20 more minutes.  (I use this time to get dishes done.)

Watching Cooper play, singing, dancing, he LOVES "I'm a Little Teapot", he likes tummy time for 5-25 minutes, he loves his new excersaucer (we put a blanket to help him sit up) he loves to pull hair and stick out his tongue, he LOVES his reflection in the mirror!

Loud noises startle him- big time; he loves church worship and honestly it's the best hour of my week each time we go because I can hold him non-stop for one whole hour with no interruptions. I dread the day I have to take him to nursery but I love our church's children program so I know he'll love that too.

Also, he became a more predictable pooper.  He goes every other day instead of once every 7-10 and that makes this momma feel relieved!

On 10/29/14, (6 m 13 d) he weighed in at the doctor at 17lbs-- 37th percentile and length 26.5 which was 33rd percentile.  He still runs large in head size- 17.75-- 90th percentile!  I was happy to report only good and no worries to the doctor!  He has also eaten butternut squash, carrots, oatmeal, avocado (he may be allergic--he gets a rash around his mouth) and now pumpkin!

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