Friday- January 21st: Leaving to go... Chris and I left Champaign around 8:30, arrived at Charleston to meet our traveling "furnishers" so-to-speak. We arrived at St. Louis airport before noon and had a nice lunch at Tequirela after going through security. We flew for nearly 4 hours and arrived in LAX airport, Los Angeles. There, I was pleased to find sunshine because it was nearly 6pm our time and we got more daylight. After walking the airport during our hour plus layover, we were back on the plane. This time for 5 hours. The flight actually ran a little short because the winds were with us. We sat next to a nice man from Hawaii, originally Washington DC. He gave us lots of good information including to buy the book "The Big Island Revealed" which turned out to be a wonderful tool that I would highly recommend if you are ever going to visit Hawaii's big island. We arrived to Hawaii's airport right at 8:30pm (12:30 our time) and we were greeted with a warm humid breeze and a nice open airport with only poles and roofs, no walls. It was a nice change already. When we got to our resort, I was estactic at how much attention to detail they had. Everything was modern and beautiful. I immediately began unpacking for the week. We were all settled into bed by 10:30pm (2:30 am our time) that night after our long day of traveling.

This is us leaving for St. Louis in the -11 degree temperatures

This is our resort lobby where the temperature was 70 plus degrees at night! ;-)
Ahhh 70 degrees. Our first night in Hawaii, wonderful.