Olivia had one great birthday party starting at 11 at Champaign's Children Orpheum Museum where little kiddos run abound for 2 hours! They had cake and punch. They got to see and touch bearded dragons, snakes and turtles. Olivia said her favorite part was, "touching the snake." And she said, "The snake was very scared." (However, I wish you could have seen her horrified look when the girl told her she got to go first because it was her birthday).
We had a nice lunch and present opening back at her house afterward and boy that girl was showered with love!!
1.5 year old cousin Landon is checking out the bearded dragon
Landon plays with water works
These kids were extremely focused!
A little leary of touching the animals...
Almost cupcake time...
Cupcake cake!
"Mommy what is this?"
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