Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Plan

For about five years now, I've been saying this is the year I'm going to budget and each year February comes and it has fizzled out.  This year, I'm taking it small.  The main discretionary spending I do is 1) eating out 2) clothes 3) groceries.  So the plan is to give myself a limit using cash in these areas.  A while ago I bought Dave Ramsey's money envelope system and I finally blew off the dust and decided to put it to good use.  I found it amazing that on the first day shopping I spent nearly all of  my $100 clothing budget on two pairs of shoes for myself.  But, I was thrilled to find Chris a nice dress shirt marked down from $34.94 to $1.58 with tax at Old Navy.

I may have to re-evaluate my limitations and really learn what is realistic for me to spend in one month.   I generally don't buy clothes or shoes in a typical month and I kind of binge buy at events like Divine Consign. I have plenty of shoes and haven't been in a wedding for a while so I haven't had much of a need.  However, I needed a nice black pair of shoes for work that aren't ballet flats. I found some Sketchers memory foam shoes that can function as dress casual and also keep my feet from becoming covered in snow when I step outside.  Because I'm a sucker for buy one get one half, I got a second pair.  Maybe I'll learn not to do this now that I have set limits for myself.  I guess my true test will come the day I'm shopping and don't have cash.  Do I whip out the debit card or go with out?  Time will tell!

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