Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Caleb is 8 months

Caleb takes 4 oz bottles every 3-4 hours. His night feeds have been inconsistent. Some nights, he gets up one (rarely) and others it is two times.  He is eating many solids now.  We introduced asparagus mango, and rice this month.  He loved the mango but the asparagus I had to mix with applesauce for it go down. Also, he still prefers everything to be pureed but I have continued to offer chucks.  In related news, I will not be offering cooked mango chunks of any size in the near future. He nearly choked on one and I think I'll stick to soft food like banana chunks.

He continues to be a great sleeper!!  He has been going down easily but then waking up around like 10-11 pm which makes me exhausted.  I entertain him for a bit and then he goes back to sleep.He prefers his crib in his room to his swing- he is getting so big.

He loves playing with Cooper.  It is the cutest thing.  When Caleb sees him getting closer, he kicks and giggles.  It is the sweetest thing to see him have such a personality (and his parents love for animals)!

We dedicated Caleb at church and had everyone who was available over for dinner afterwards, it was nice!  It wasn't a big affair but we had good conversations!  Walmart did all the food preparations (fried chicken, potato salad, slaw, rolls and cake) so I got to enjoy it too!

Caleb seems very interested in figuring out how things work.  He has a couple of toys that he flips upside down as if to really inspect how it works.  I laugh watching him do it because he looks like a little engineer student.  I am so curious as to how his little personality will turn out!

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