This year we lost Grandma Ruth. She was an amazing person. She always had a smile and laugh and was just generally easy-going and fun to be around. Her heart was always for others. She loved to knit, play piano and boat. She was always making gifts for the family for Christmas. I'm happy that we have several scarfs and neck-warmers from her. We left a day early for Christmas break for her visitation and funeral. I felt the service was extremely fitting for her. The priest knew her well and was able to speak specific facts about her. I find that rare at a funeral that someone can speak so accurately about them. He shared her love for others as she played piano at countless funerals in their church. He also spoke of her love for the lake and how she probably "could have numbered the trees" along the river. It was great getting to spend quality time with family too.
The following day we did her graveside service and it was brief but sweet. The church had a nice luncheon provided for us. Everyone had different obligations to get back to so it was just a few of us back at "The Point". I'm not really sure why but that is what they call grandma and grandpa's house. After dinner, we opened gifts. I didn't take many photos of this because I was busy playing with the niece and nephews and their new toys. ;-)
On Sunday, M&S left to go to their family Christmas party and we stuck around for lunch and left right about Caleb's nap time. That worked out perfectly. When he woke up, we stopped in Springfield to stretch a bit.
Below are pictures in reversed order:
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