Well, today was a great adventure! We (Michael, Stephanie, Chris and I) faced the 100 degree oppressive heat at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. It was quite a fun day despite the heat! The day started a bit rocky when Steph nearly fainted from heat exhaustion. But, she quickly recovered and we got to see the sites! Sheep, cow barn, butter cow, milk a cow, food, food, food, dancers, clowns, phew!! We got relief from the heat when a storm front rolled in, it really was quite nice because we could just watch the storm clouds roll on in and the wind dropped the temp 20 degrees instantly. The Fair announced that we should find the nearest storm cover in case of storms. Shortly thereafter, the wind picked up and we all laughed at the people running and screaming and took that as our opportunity to get the good food with no waiting! It did begin to rain a bit but we made our way to the Grand Stand where we stood in the excessively hot, crowded downstairs portion. They let us in to our seats and when we finally got to the top, we were met with a waterfall that was splashing all over our seats. Let me take this moment to say that this was Chris and my gift to M&S for their birthday- do we know how to give a gift or what?!? Ha ha, we sat in our wet bench and we waited for an hour watching a team of people debate about what to do. We got a great lightning show!! They finally decided to cancel the concert- afterwards, we of course got to wait in traffic for the entire duration of the Lady Antebellum cd. What a memorable day!!! Ultimately, I had a BLAST! (pics to come later)
Cow milking-

Smooching aboard the sky glide-

This is what one looks like with sand blowing in their eyes and a huge eery cloud looming behind them...

And this was our concert...
As did we. We love you guys!