We had a "short" first night at the hospital so to speak. Despite everyone's best effort to tell me to sleep when the baby sleeps, it is hard to do so when this momma woke up to every new baby noise, to be monitored, to the momma screaming in labor and to the newborn next door who had a very advanced set of lungs!
It was less than fun with a catheter, an IV and the inability to get out of bed without assistance. A couple of times, I would've liked Chris to help me but he was such a sound sleeper that even after throwing a pillow at his head (which hit him) didn't wake him I had to call nurses for help.
Aunt Teresa came by in the morning and brought a couple of things I needed. It was nice to have her come hold Caleb when she did so I could take a shower (with a little bit of help from Chris getting in and plastic around my IV to keep it dry.) Chris and I rested as much as we could while being monitored throughout the day. The nurses took Caleb at one point to do some basic tests, he passed all with flying colors! We were well cared for throughout the day. At one point, the hospital even called to remind us that it was time to order our special dinner. It really was special how they presented it on a table with flowers and sparkling juice.
We had several visitors come including: Rose, Jim, Mom, Dad, Megan and Amy.
That evening, I felt okay with the idea of walking a few laps around (with much pressure from Chris) so Chris, Caleb and I took a few laps around the hall. Later, I wanted to get some good rest so Chris thought it'd be a good idea to take Caleb in the hall so I wouldn't wake up to his every noise. They hung out there for a bit I suppose. I think I actually did sleep a little. But, I got two hours the night I went into labor and the first night I think I got about 1-2 hours of rest.
Amy praying for me |
Hanging with daddy |