So the day that had me really stressed out came finally. Caleb had his circumcision. I have worried about how he would handle the pain and mommy definitely didn't do well when the doctor took him in another room and I could hear him just screaming. But, to my surprise, he was actually quite well mannered all day. In fact, the procedure seemed to make him extra sleepy because he slept all day quite well. Despite it looking extremely painful, he didn't seem to mind. In fact, we waited in the parking lot for Chris to run in and get some items at Meijer and he soothed himself. (See below) We got to pick up his puppy set from Tina and meet my mom and sister briefly to see little guy. (Teresa had to go to work so we just kept him in the carseat and she got to look on at him.) We had a puppy photo session this evening and I just love the results!!
Wide eyed to go to the doctor |
Self-soothing (adorably) after the doctor's visit
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