Monday, April 21, 2014

Friend and "Grandma" Visits

My good friend and co-worker popped in on the morning and brought me a Strawberries & Creme smoothie from Starbucks. She got to meet little guy.  She is expecting her own pink bundle in August and we are excited to meet her!

My friend Terri "adopted" me as her own daughter when we worked together at Southwest Elementary school in Tilton.  She wanted to stop by to drop off a blanket that she made. I told her the good news- Caleb had arrived.  So, she got to be surprised to meet little guy when she came by.  Also, my dear friend Amy stopped by with homemade dinner.  It was pretty awesome!  Black bean chicken!!!  It will be a new regular for me to add to my list of things I can cook!

"Shh, baby is sleeping!"

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