Sunday, June 15, 2014

First Father's Day

For Chris' first father's day, we let him sleep in.  When he got up, Caleb was taking a nap so I gave him his gift.  A mug with pictures of him and Caleb together and some more mocha Keurig cups that he likes.  He'll likely need the caffeine to stay up with him later! ;-)  He also got a card stating that he could wear a button that shows his position of authority for the day.  (Button read, "I'm The Boss") On the inside it read, just remember to give it back to mom tomorrow! ;-)

We had a good time at my nephew's church for his baby dedication!  I always enjoy Stone Creek's message. Then, we went out for a lovely dinner at Destihl.  We got there around 1:30 and didn't leave til 4.  Where did the time go?

kiddos playing Old Maid
We headed home to pack up the pulled pork I had in the crock pot, I fed Caleb while Chris walked Cooper and we were back on the road again. This time destination- VG.  We got to celebrate three dad's this year.  (And this time last year, there was only one.)  I had fun playing with the nephew!  Matthew is just running around these days at only ten months old.  He is so stinking cute!

Dad with his babies and grandbabies

All 3 dads

(Hopefully this is the only year Caleb and dad will have the same hair line) ;-)
I hope that Chris felt just how valued he really is!  He has really become an amazing father and supporter of this new mother.  I love how he just instinctively knows what to do.  Love him!

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